Stipendienvergabe 2014
für Schüler in Zeku/ Amdo internationale Spendensammlung
Für tibetischen Flüchtlingsnachkomme in Indien
Tibetischer Flüchtlingsnachkomme in Indien
Tenzin Choedup, * 10 November 1993
Mutter verstorben, Vater wenig Einkommen, schwierige finanzielle Situation
Tenzin befindet sich in der 12. Klasse der Oberstufe. Im Mai/ Juni möchte er die Oberstufe abschließen und danach soll ihm ein Hochschulstudium ermöglicht werden.
Er möchte sich auf Business Management mit dem Abschluss Bachelor konzentrieren. Das Studium wird 3 Jahre dauern.
Über diesen Zeitraum suchen wir einen Paten, der die Hochschulausbildung ermöglicht.
Es werden pro Jahr 50000 bis 65000 indische Rupien an Kosten anfallen, was 590 bis 765 Euro entspricht.
Daher wünschen wir einen Paten oder auch mehrere Paten, die für die monatlichen Kosten 55 – 70 Euro, inklusive der Auslands-Überweisungskosten aufkommen.
Der Studienerfolg soll durch Zeugnisse nachgewiesen werden und nach Möglichkeit soll sich ein Briefkontakt zwischen Pate(n) und Schützling entwickeln.
Tenzin Choedup möchte sich in Zukunft auf lokaler Ebene für tibetische Flüchtlinge einsetzen.
Bitte wenden sie sich bei Interesse die Patenschaft zu übernehmen an Christine Koch, Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Shitro-Ritual 2014
Das wichitge Ritual des Tibetischen Totenbuchs wird in Amdo/ Tibet vom 25.-27.Juni.2014 stattfinden. Die Shitro Puja findet in Tempel von Rigdzin Rabpel Ling, Ngakpa-Tempel statt.
Originating from the same 14th century revelation that brought the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Shitro is the most important ritual to liberate the deceased, eliminate obstacles for the sick, understand and prepare for our own death, and plant seeds for liberation in the bardo. For practitioners, it liberates from fear and obstacles, brings harmony and awakens our inner potential.
For centuries, the Rebkong area of northeastern Tibet has been a focal place for the development of the culture of Ngakpas - Tibetan yogis. From June 24-26, 2014 there will be a three-day Shitro ritual in Rigdzin Rabpel Ling, the most precious and blessed of the Rebkong yogi temples, also known as Amdo’s Copper Colored Mountain.
Following are some words from the late Rebkong Ngakpa Lama Tharchin Rinpoche about Shitro practice:
“Shitro helps transform impure energy and increases long life for our teachers because it removes obstacles from damaged samaya in the sangha and purifies defilements that cause obstacles to enlightenment. I pray that we will all reach enlightenment together and that peace and happiness will pervade for all beings .”
About the Rebkong Ngakpa Shitro
This tradition was initiated by a council of high yogis, led by Alak Andron and the second Namkha Rinpoche in the 1930‘s. In conjunction with the local ruler, all various Ngakpa groups came together every year to join in prayer. It grew to become the largest annual gathering of Tibetan yogis.
This year will be a special occasion, as the Shitro puja will be held at Rigdzin Rabpel Ling for first time after 32 years. After the tradition was broken during the cultural revolution, it was first re-initiated at Rigdzin Rabpel Ling. Since then, it has been held at various other temples in the region, and this will be the first time that Rigdzin Rabpel Ling will again host the event. In honor of this great event, the temple is being renovated to prepare for the 500-800 yogis and yoginis who are expected to attend.
This year will also be a unique milestone, as the female practitioners – known as Ngakmos- are invited to play an equal role in the ceremony for the first time.
You are invited to be a part of the ceremony by either joining us in Rebkong or supporting through your donation. All students and sponsors are invited to join Dr Nida and the assembled Ngakpas and Ngakmos in attending the puja. Please contact us early to reserve your transportation and accomodation etc.
For your donation, any amount will be appreciated. It is also possible to dedicate your offering on behalf of a sick or deceased loved one, who will receive a special blessing in the ceremony.
Ngak Mang International e.V. will coordinate the arrangements and donations for the event. For more information contact NMI e.V., Christine Koch,
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